Classroom management is so much easier when your classroom is set up like a community and everyone helps out; this not only teaches students responsibility but it also allows the teacher to spend more time teaching and less time managing. Over the years I found that if each and every student had a classroom job it made my job a lot easier and the students took more ownership of their surroundings. In my classroom I could guarantee that one of the first things I would hear on Monday morning was, "Mrs. Funk what is my job for the week?" Once we established each students job for the week all I had to do when I needed something is say the job title and that student or students knew exactly what to do. Classroom job training is part of the first few weeks of school, practice, practice, practice. I always used a poster-board for my job chart but recently I found clip art that was perfect for a new jobs chart so ......yep you guessed it a new jobs chart was born. Well actually three because I have "One Thing Leads to Another Syndrome" and kept making new ones because I Couldn't decide which one I liked best. So now it's your turn. Which one would you want in your classroom? Leave a comment with your e-mail address and the color you like best and I will pick three winners. You can also visit our Facebook page for a chance to win as well. Oh, did I mention this pack is completely EDITABLE! Click on the picture to see a full description.

This pack is filled with jobs for everyone in your room and editable to the job descriptions you use in your classroom or you can use the ones provided.
Tomorrow is Hump Day, Woot, Woot!